Carlson SurvPC


Available Now!

Carlson SurvPC: Basicx 6.xx (Contains TS Only)

Carlson SurvPC is a complete data collection system for Real Time (RTK) GPS and Total Stations with in-field coordinate geometry. It supports the widest range of popular and new release RTK GPS and conventional/ robotic total stations.

Major New Features and Improvements: SurvPC 6.0

  • SurvPC now offers the Hybrid+ Survey module to survey with both GPS and Total Station at the same time. Visit for more details.
  • Log Raw GPS has been redesigned to allow static logging without configuring an RTK Rover or Base. The process has been streamlined for ease of use.
  • SurvPC now offers an advanced total station search icon to allow selection of search type from inside of any live survey screen.
  • GNSS Analysis has been updated to the 2017 version.
  • SurvPC now supports a laser pointer icon in all live survey screens for any total station with a laser pointer.
  • SurvPC now supports web map overlays from Google, Open Street Maps and ArcGIS REST. SurvPC additionally supports user-defined Web Map Servers (WMS/WMTS/TMS).
  • SurvPC can now read and export PRJ projection files.
  • SurvPC now includes Snap options inside of store points to facilitate drawing in the field as part of the survey process. An UNDO option has also been included.
  • Total station control icons Search, Lock/Track, Target, and Laser Pointer will now be available in more screens.
  • A new status icon will now show the status of the instrument connection from all screens.
  • SurvPC now includes a “GIS Inspector” feature in the Map screen that allows viewing and editing GIS attributes as linework is created and edited.
  • SurvPC now supports obstructed view stakeout mode.
  • SurvPC now includes a “Surface Inspector” for elevation difference which allows storing and staking points from the surface as well as viewing cut/fill to the surface using Snaps.
  • SurvPC now displays a red tolerance bar to indicate that a measurement is currently outside of a user defined tolerance.
  • SurvPC now supports an automatic backsight check in the joystick screen.
  • Auto by Interval when level now stores the most level reading which was recorded during the required level tolerance period.
  • SurvPC now supports continuous reflectorless measurement for total stations which support the feature.
  • SurvPC now offers the ability to demo the roading module on an already registered copy of the software.
  • SurvPC now supports a two-prism pole in the 2-Point offset routine.


Just a few of the powerful features to help you get your job done faster and better:

  • Advanced Roading: favored by U.S. DOTs and heavy highway contractors around the world
  • Cutting-edge functionality for staking intersections and cul-de-sacs using Carlson Road Network files
  • Optional Field-to-Finish: Create drawings intuitively and automatically as you work, saving you time back in the office
  • Highly graphical and intuitive user interface is designed ‘by surveyors for surveyors’
  • Strong GIS features for accurate data capture, including attribute data and seamless linking to Esri®
  • Easy data exchange due to rich support of CAD file formats and .dwg, .dgn, .shp
  • More field capabilities with quick and easy volume calculation and ability to generate points from polylines
  • Cut/Fill stakeout using surface files
  • Camera integration allowing assignment of picture to points or lines
  • Export directly in KML format for fast control in Google Earth
  • True versatility: SurvCE and SurvPC run on hundreds of GPS and total station models in service today, including Altus, Ashtech, Carlson, Geomax, Leica, Pentax, Sokkia, Spectra-Precision, Stonex, Topcon, and more. See full list at
  • SurvPC are available in more than two dozen languages: English, Spanish, German, French, French (Canadian), Russian, Portuguese, Czech, Dutch, Chinese, Korean, Greek, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Swedish, Latvian and more.


SurvPC 6.0 deliver on accuracy and efficiency:

  • Enhanced Search icon now available in all live survey screens with access to multiple search methods for TS/RTS
  • Voice prompting In Stakeout allows users to keep their eyes on the environment while staking
  • Google, Open Street Maps, Esri® Maps, and your own WMS overlays now available in the field
  • GIS Inspector allows instant access to GIS attributing in the map screen
  • Surface Inspector enables easy comparison of plan vs. asbuilt in elevation difference, making it simpler to store and stake the points that matter
  • Obstructed Point Stakeout allows guided staking of unreachable points by marking azimuth and distance
  • Automatic Backsight Check in the joystick screen makes it easier to check your setup at any time
  • GPS Tolerance Band instantly indicates when a tolerance is exceeded in live survey screens


All-new Hybrid+ module combines the power of RTS and GNSS providing the most reliable and fast survey techniques on the market:

  • Mix and match any RTS and GNSS from Carlson’s vast driver library
  • GPS Search is faster than any search method available
  • Follow Me keeps the total station pointed where you need it by continuously tracking the GNSS location
  • Smart Lock detects when you are slowing down to take a measurement and automatically locks on the prism—ready when you are
  • Smart Staking provides directions from the GNSS when the total station position isn’t available, then automatically locks back on the prism when you reach your destination
  • Backup Tracking — GPS position is automatically shown when total station is not tracking
  • GNSS Sensors work with the total station to allow e-level in total station mode and automatic correction of tilted poles



 If ArcMap10, ArcView or equivalent reside on the same Windows tablet, SurvPC ‘finds’ the Esri engine and reads and writes Esri MXD files automatically, or SurvPC can be purchased with an Esri OEM engine built inside

 Intuitively use Esri Maps to perform all survey functions with no downtime learning new software

 Stake out, identify or draw to any existing feature by conventional ‘snap’ selection in Esri, DGN or .dxf

 Create new points in Esri, DGN or .dxf with symbols and formats native to the map